When a player enters the game, they will notice that there are two types of settlements available to them – a town and a fallout shelter. The town is where most of the story-line occurs in Fallout Shelter. This is the place everyone begins their journey. The settlements that players move into our houses that were wrecked during a major disaster. They need to be tended to in order to keep the dwellers safe from living with the radioactive content that is present in the environment.
The Overseer is the head of the settlement. The Overseer can be found by traveling to the top of the Dam; this is the highest point in the entire map. From here, the Overseer can be reached to give the settlements missions or tell the player about general gameplay elements. Here are the top 10 best things the Overseer will give out in his conversations.
– A map of the surrounding area. This is one of the most important fallout shelter tips. Being given a general location of the whole map is beneficial because it lets players know where all of the fast-travel spots are. It also helps them find other settlements without going too far away. While traveling around the maps, note which rooms the dwellers are occupying.
– A map of the wasteland. This lets players know what to expect during travel to the wasteland. There are three regions in total: The Divide, The Pitt, and the Cave. The Divide is where the majority of the content from the story occurs, while the other two areas have unique items and recipes. The dwellers should know how to get to the other regions before venturing into the wasteland.
– A list of all the quests, the players will have to accomplish throughout the game. This makes finding new quests easier because they won’t have to return to an earlier location to do them. The dwellers should look for blueprints and schematics for additional information on questing. Aside from this, note how many rooms are in each area to plan their strategies for the next trip to the shelter.
– An endurance meter to keep track of the dweller’s health. In the Fallout Shelter, each of the quests has a specific number of Endurance points required to complete them. The higher the Endurance point, the more difficult the objective is. Be sure that the dweller has enough endurance to handle the challenges the game will present. If the player needs to save a particular town, the endurance bar needs to be high enough to carry the day.
– The best fallout shelter layout to complete can be done in under three hours if done properly. However, the dwellers will have to be patient throughout the entire process as moving around the map is often dull and requires talking with the locals. A good way to speed up the process is by moving directly to the entrances without going through the long process of going through each of the rooms. Also, try to stay at one place and rest for a while before moving on to another location. This will ensure that the player doesn’t get lost and get stuck somewhere.
– It is advisable to recruit a companion for the pregnant dwellers to keep them supplied with food and water. The companions should be efficient at gathering crafting materials, cooking food and conducting research as necessary. This can easily be done with the help of a follower as the Dweller needs to only focus on researching things while the companion does most of the dirty work. This way, the Dweller won’t need to exert much effort to complete the shelter project in under three hours.